Suicide by Strangulation (“Suspension hanging”)

Suspension hanging will kill its victims in three ways: compression of the carotid arteries, the jugular veins, or the airway. About 5 kg of pressure is required to compress the carotid artery; 2 kg for the jugular veins; and at least 15 kg for the airway.

The amount of time it takes to lose consciousness and die is difficult to predict accurately and depends on several factors.
Some believe unconsciousness occurs in five seconds, though Alan Gunn writes that it generally takes longer.
It took a man who filmed his hanging 13 seconds to become unconscious, 1 minute and 38 seconds to lose muscle tone, and 4 minutes and 10 seconds for muscle movement to cease. Full suspension is not required; most hanging suicides are done by partial suspension, according to Wyatt et al.

Geo Stone, author of Suicide and Attempted Suicide:
Methods and Consequences
, suggests that death by obstruction of the airway is more painful than by the other ways.


Stable cord, cable, belt, pants, underpants, knotted strips of bed sheets etc..
   A high length is not important.
* A stable point of connection, high enough to stand on a tiltable chair, table etc. with the noose around your neck.
* A tiltable chair, table etc..
* Maybe a Suicide Note.  You could bequeath the suicide letter to another person. 
  That person could send it to this website.
Mention this website is welcome.

1. Knot a “Hangmans’s knot”:

2. Place a written suicide note, gladly with a reference to this website visible in the cell.
3. Go up to the chair, table etc., and attach the rope to a stable point in the height. Perhaps the grid in a window.
4. Place the loop around your neckand tighten the noose.
5. Knock over the chair or footstool with your feets.