▷ Gases (CO2, Helium, H2S etc.) ▹
▶ Carbon Monoxide (“CO2”)
▶ Hydrogen Sulfide (“H2S”)
▶ Helium (“He”)
▷ Medicaments, Drugs & Poisons ▹
▶ Chloroquine & Diazepam
▶ Pentobarbital & Paspertin
▶ Cyanide (Bitter almonds etc.)
▶ Caffeine (pills, powder etc.)
▶ Alcohol
▷ Hanging ▹
▶ Strangulation
▶ Broken neck
▶ Beheading
▷ Shock the public ▹
▶ Self Immolation
▶ Jumping
▶ Beheading
▶ Suicide by cop
▶ Death by train
▶ Hydrogen Sulfide (“H2S”)
▶ Electricity
▶ Explosion
▶ Hunger Strike
▷ In Prison & Psychiatry ▹
▶ Strangle
▶ Salt (Hypernatremia)
▶ Water (Hyperhydration = Hyponatremia)
▶ Head against the wall
▶ Nicotine
▶ Hunger Strike
▷ Bleeding, Freezing, Electricity etc. ▹
▶ Bleed to death
▶ Freeze to death
▶ Electricity
▶ Drowning
▶ Feigned death
▶ Crude Shop
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Suicide Bulletin